ICAR-CROI Awards 2024

ICAR sostiene e premia le giovani eccellenze della ricerca...

I Vincitori, i Giovani Ricercatori, i loro Mentor e gli Abstract accettati a CROI

ICAR-CROI Awards 2024

I Vincitori 2024

1 Premio da € 1.000,00 per il miglior lavoro di Basic Science
1 Premio da € 1.000,00 per il miglior lavoro di Clinical Science

Tutti i Ricercatori, i loro Mentor, i Lavori

M. Augello, San Paolo Hospital, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo - University of Milan, Milan

Immune responses to an original/BA.4-5 Bivalent Booster of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in PWH on ART

Mentor: G.C. Marchetti (Milan)

N.B. Bana, Niguarda Great Metropolitan Hospital - University of Milano Bicocca, Milan

A matter of time: factors associated with delayed nPEP initiation

Mentors: M. Puoti (Milan), R. Rossotti (Milan)

E.N. Cavallari, Policlinico Umberto I University Hospital, Rome

Evaluation of the performance of different high resolution Anoscopy triage strategies in MSM LWH

Mentor: G. d'Ettorre (Rome)

C.A. Chenwi, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome

Prevalence and resistance profiles of “unusual” HCV subtypes in Italy

Mentor: F. Ceccherini Silberstein (Rome)

S. D’Anna, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome

Intrahepatic HDV activity is fueled by integrated HBV DNA-derived HBs independently from CccDNA size

Mentor: V. Svicher (Rome)

A. D’Auria, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome

MPXV replication induces an IFN response and is suppressed by IFN-γ

Mentor: C. Scagnolari (Rome)

C. Di Chiara, University of Padua, Padua

SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization in immunocompromised children: a population-based study

Mentor: C. Giaquinto (Padua)

F. Di Gennaro, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari

Real-life experience on the use of Remdesivir: a propensity score matched analysis

Mentor: A. Saracino (Bari)

M. Ferrara, Amedeo di Savoia Hospital - University of Turin, Turin

Antiretrovirals drug concentrations in post-mortem tissues for different body compartments: preliminary results from the Last Gift project

Mentor: S. Bonora (Turin)

M. Fracella, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome

Synergistic effects of HIV, HPV, and Polyomaviruses on interferon response in male anal mucosa

Mentor: G. d’Ettorre (Rome)

M. Garziano, University of Milan, Milan

SARS-CoV-2 natural infection elicits cross-reactive immunity to OC43

Mentor: M. Biasin (Milan)

S. Lazzarin, Luigi Sacco Hospital - University of Milan, Milan

Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction in patients with syphilis with or without prior antibiotic prophylaxis

Mentor: D. Moschese (Milan)

M. Mazzitelli, University of Padua, Padua

Outcome of a multidimensional intervention for insomnia in a Cohort of people living with HIV

Mentor: A. Cattelan (Padua)

V. Mazzotta, INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani IRCCS, Rome

Predictors of Mpox duration and severity in the Italian multicenter mpox ICONA Cohort

Pooled analysis of randomized trials comparing drug efficacy for early COVID-19 during omicron waves

Predictors of failure to COVID-19 early therapies and drugs efficacy comparison by emulation trial

Mentor: A. Antinori (Rome)

L. Mezzadri, University of Milano–Bicocca - San Gerardo Hospital, Monza

Transaminase elevations among patients with occult HBV infection on two-drug antiretroviral regimens

Mentor: G. Lapadula (Milan)

D. Moschese, Luigi Sacco Hospital - University of Milan, Milan

Plausibility of sexual behavior changes and role of vaccination in Mpox outbreak control among MSM

Mentor: A. Gori (Milan)

A.R. Raccagni, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan

Lymphogranuloma venereum among men who have sex with men: 7 versus 21 days Doxycycline effectiveness

Mentor: S. Nozza (Milan)

R. Rovito, University of Milan, Milan

Lipidome composition and weight changes at 48week 3TC-DTG and FTC/TAF/BIC: data of the ICONA Cohort

Mentor: G.C. Marchetti (Milan)

A. Russo, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples

A model to eliminate viral Hepatitis infection in migrants: a prospective Study in Southern Italy

Mentor: M. Pisaturo (Naples)

P.F. Salvo, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome

Seroprevalence of Mpox IgG antibodies in a Cohort of PLWH in Rome, during the 2022 outbreak

Mentor: S. Di Giambenedetto (Rome)

I. Saulle, University of Milan, Milan

ERAPs control in vitro and ex-vivo SARS-CoV-2 infection by triggering antiviral immune response

Mentor: M. Biasin (Milan)

M. Strano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan

High plasma GFAP in older PWH with low Nadir CD4 supports legacy brain injury and reactive gliosis

Mentor: P. Cinque (Milan)

C. Vanetti, University of Milan, Milan

Exacerbation of the RSV infectivity by SARS-CoV-2 in an in-vitro Co-Infection cellular model

Mentor: M. Biasin (Milan)

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Due i momenti speciali:

20 giugno 2024
16° ICAR di Roma
sessione ICAR-CROI Awards, dalle ore 17.35 alle ore 18.30 (Aula Lazzati)

4 marzo 2024
Congresso CROI di Denver
evento speciale CROI Affiliated Event for Italian Young Inverstigators

Programma ICAR-CROI Awards

Scarica il Programma


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M. Augello, San Paolo Hospital, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo - University of Milan, Milan

Immune responses to an original/BA.4-5 Bivalent Booster of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in PWH on ART

MENTOR: G.C. Marchetti (Milan)


N.B. Bana, Niguarda Great Metropolitan Hospital - University of Milano Bicocca, Milan

A matter of time: factors associated with delayed nPEP initiation

MENTORS: M. Puoti (Milan), R. Rossotti (Milan)


S. D’Anna, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome

Intrahepatic HDV activity is fueled by integrated HBV DNA-derived HBs independently from CccDNA size

MENTOR: V. Svicher (Rome)


C. Di Chiara, University of Padua, Padua

SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization in immunocompromised children: a population-based study

MENTOR: C. Giaquinto (Padua)


M. Fracella, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome

Synergistic effects of HIV, HPV, and Polyomaviruses on interferon response in male anal mucosa

MENTOR: G. d’Ettorre (Rome)


S. Lazzarin, Luigi Sacco Hospital - University of Milan, Milan

Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction in patients with syphilis with or without prior antibiotic prophylaxis

MENTOR: D. Moschese (Milan)


L. Mezzadri, University of Milano–Bicocca - San Gerardo Hospital, Monza

Transaminase elevations among patients with occult HBV infection on two-drug antiretroviral regimens

MENTOR: G. Lapadula (Milan)


A.R. Raccagni, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan

Lymphogranuloma venereum among men who have sex with men: 7 versus 21 days Doxycycline effectiveness

MENTOR: S. Nozza (Milan)


A. Russo, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples

A model to eliminate viral Hepatitis infection in migrants: a prospective Study in Southern Italy

MENTOR: M. Pisaturo (Naples)


P.F. Salvo, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome

Seroprevalence of Mpox IgG antibodies in a Cohort of PLWH in Rome, during the 2022 outbreak

MENTOR: S. Di Giambenedetto (Rome)

